Frequently asked questions.
How do I make an appointment?
The easiest way to make an initial appointment is to contact us, our contact details can be found here.
Once you have attended your initial appointment, subsequent appointments can be booked securely online via Halaxy. Simply click the book now link at the top of the page to view and book appointments.
If you experience any difficulties or need further assistance with booking, please contact us.
Do I need a referral to book an appointment?
No, a referral is not required to schedule an appointment. However, a referral may allow you to access a medicare rebate and these can be obtained from your GP.
How do I get a MHCP?
You will need to book an appointment with your GP to discuss a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). If you are deemed eligible, you may be entitled to Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual psychological appointments per calendar year (this includes Telehealth sessions).
What is the cost of a psychology appointment?
A standard consultation costs $220 (46-60 minute session).
With a valid MHCP, a Medicare rebate of $96.65 is available, resulting in an out-of-pocket expense of $113.35.
Note: Both the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi) provide a recommended schedule of fees for private psychology services. For the 2024-2025 period, the standard consultation fee for a 46 to 60-minute session is set between $311-$315.
Blossoming Psychology charges less than the APS and AAPi recommendation.
What do I do if I am no longer able to attend an appointment?
We kindly ask for you to notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you are no longer able to attend your appointment. We understand that sometimes unexpected things happen, but please note that if you are unable to provide 24 hours’ notice, a cancellation fee of $110 will be charged. This cancellation policy is in place so we have adequate time to allow another client to take this appointment where required.
Do you accept private health?
Yes we accept private health rebates. You will receive an invoice which you can take to your private health fund and if eligible you may receive a rebate.
What do I need to prepare for my Telehealth appointment?
To access our online psychological support, you will need a secure internet connection and a device (i.e. phone or laptop) which allows for video teleconferencing. We also encourage you to arrange a private and quiet space to be during the appointment.
An email reminder will be sent 2 days prior to your scheduled appointment and this will contain a link to access your Telehealth appointment.
We have chosen a very secure teleconferencing system to ensure that we can not be accessed by anybody in Australia. However, like any system on the internet, there may be some risk included, we will discuss this in our intake session.